Unison Open House Brunch Saturday 11/4! Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeE1leUeevYtFdp_pEFwYFkx5neyn5ORRmf5LHZ9x7ZFYqtHw/viewform
Free myON Family Reading Event We are hosting a Free Family Reading Event at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. The purpose of this event is to introduce families to myON and show them how to support reading at home. We will be raffling off fun prizes and lunch is included. After the event, families will have access to the museum at no cost.
District 13 Summers AHEAD For parents who have children transitioning to middle school, please view the flyer.
CB2 Community Board Health Fair Free COVID Testing, Yoga, Healthy Eating Tips, BloodPressure Testing, On-Site Medical Professionals,General Health Planning, Music, Giveaways, Raffles,Children's Story Time, and more!
2022-2023 NFTE Biz Camp Grant Good morning iSTRONG Families & supporters, We are excited to announce that we are the 2022-2023 NFTE Biz Camp Grant recipients! This grant-funded program will allow 35 3-5 grade students the opportunity to develop, design, and pitch their small business ideas. Please download the file below to fill out.
College & Career Week Hello!We have started to plan the P.S 287's 4th annual College and Career Week. Attached is a flyer with an overview of the week. We need your help!! If you can share information with professionals that you know to volunteer it would be greatly appreciated and would help make a memorable experience for our students. Also, if you have connections with places for potential career/college based trips, that would be awesome too!If someone you know is interested please provide them with this form to fill out: bit.ly/CCW23 If you have any questions or any other ideas you would like to share reach out to myself or any of the other members of College and Career Week Committee please complete the form below.